In 2000, Craig Baldwin and Bill Daniel came to Tucson and I set up a show for them at the local MOCA, run by the great James Graham and Julia Latane. Craig showed a curated program of activist shorts and his new feature "Spectres of the Spectrum" which Bill shot the images for (that weren't found footage). When we realized that we were in an old train depot and the tracks still ran out back, Bill had the idea to carry out his 16mm projector and some raw footage to project on passing trains. When we heard a whistle, the inside show stopped and the crowd of 150 went out back to watch. In a crazy perfect moment, the footage was all of current train-hoppers, men living on the rails full time. The whole night was beautiful. The footage became Bill's feature doc on hobo graffiti "Who Is Bozo Texino?" and some of this footage went into an installation Bill did. At the end of the night we found a switchblade broken in half. The next morning a guy on the street asked to trade a Greyhound bus ticket for Bill's van. He declined.